Scrapman On The Blog

Car floor mats: Make Your Car Tidy and Clean

Posted in Peristiwa by scrapman on Juni 10, 2010

Vehicles must be more fun if looked clean and well maintained, therefore we must pay attention to every detail of the vehicles we have. Sometimes the most often we forget our vehicles are from the vehicle floor, the floor vehicles that we have often looked dirty because of various things, such as stains and dirt from shoes or other device that gives an impression less comfortable in driving.

For that we need the vehicle accessories that can help us in gaining comfort and cleanliness of our vehicles, using the car floor mats. Currently have available to share the car floor mats with different types of material that is in use. This tool is helping us to get a vehicle with a clean floor, in addition to giving the impression comfortable for you.

Online Entertainment News

Posted in Amazing by scrapman on Mei 1, 2010

We certainly know the world of entertainment, every day we must see whether from television, tabloids, or from the internet, because now the world of entertainment is emerging in the proclamation. The things in the lift of the various media present a variety of entertainment, perhaps from the world of artists, film, or the other. However, we now see more of this entertainment news more news lifted from the lives of the celebrity of others. We often see news from the entertainment world further highlight news from artists and celebrities. That’s probably because they are public figures. Now we can see where news is always new when we prefer browsing on the Internet, where websites that provide the best entertainment news?

Where can we find the entertainment news is always updated? If you are a fan of entertainment news, maybe this can be a way out for you in finding the news you want, you can search on, which is a website that you created as an ingredient in looking for news or other, here is a variety of kind of menu that you can see, such as about beauty, home, entertainment, food and much more. If you want to know about entertainment news we can select the menu of entertainment, and we’ll see what today news is online. We do not have to worry about missing the news about our favorite celebrities, because here the news is served is always the latest. In this menu you can also find news from other artists. With an attractive appearance make this entertainment news even more attractive.

To be sure, if we are very fond of entertainment news and we want interesting news with good quality, why not to choose as materials to you search for reliable news from the world of entertainment. Because here is the solution to all your desires.

Gen Adalah Segala-galanya Bagi Penganut Eugenetika

Posted in Peristiwa by scrapman on Februari 8, 2010

Nurul Ulfah – detikHealth

ImageJakarta, Pemurnian ras adalah tujuan utama penganut eugenetika. Pendukung eugenetika beranggapan hanya masyarakat kelas atas, orang kaya, kulit putih, beragama tertentu dan berbadan sehat saja yang dapat membawa kemajuan pada bangsa.

Cerita pemurnian ras ini telah membuat orang-orangnya sangat rasis seperti yang terjadi di Amerika pada menjelang dan awal tahun 1900-an atau ketika aksi genosida yang dilakukan petinggi Nazi, Hitler.

Eugenetika, sebuah ilmu yang diterapkan untuk meningkatkan kualitas manusia melalui teknik pengontrolan kelahiran dan sterilisasi ras sudah dihapus setelah perang dunia ke-2. Tapi kini, teknik penghapusan ras ‘jelek’ itu masih terdengar dan muncul lagi di Amerika.

Eugenetika berasal dari konsep evolusi dan genetika yang menganggap suatu ras, suku, agama atau kelompok tertentu lebih pantas unggul dan dihormati dibandingkan kelompok lainnya.


Louis vuitton bags are rare and special

Posted in Peristiwa by scrapman on Januari 8, 2010

Bags are advantageous in our daily lives. It practically carries our items in only one package. Every person needs bags in their lives since it is very useful to be used in our activities. Apart of its functional benefit, some people use it as the mean of fashion. Women, especially, love to wear bags with unique designs and colorful material which will successfully upgrade their style. Certain people wear luxurious bags to define their characteristics. International branded bags are usually becoming their interest.

One of the famous fashion houses is louis vuitton. This company competes with other well known brands such as Versace, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior, Channel and others. Louis vuitton bags are rare and special. The elegance look and price that this particular bag offer makes the fans are craving to get it. They want to posses a fashionable item that will make them look stylish and splendid. The good news is that you also are able to have this stuff. The most complete collections of Louis vuitton handbags are available in This site offers you sorts of luxurious bags for those who has high fashion passion. Your desire will be fulfilled by visiting this site and getting one of the most wanted LV items ever.

Film Letusan Gunung Berapi Bawah Laut Terbaru

Posted in Peristiwa by scrapman on Desember 31, 2009

ImageSan Francisco: Para ilmuwan dari National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) menyatakan bahwa untuk yang pertama kali dalam sejarah berhasil merekam letusan lava gelembung gunung berapi yang berada di kedalaman sekitar 1.240 meter di bawah Samudera Pasifik. Para ilmuwan tadi mengabadikan peristiwa letusan pada Mei lampau, menggunakan sebuah robot kapal selam yang dilengkapi peralatan video berkemampuan mutakhir dari lembaga geofisika, di kawasan dekat Samoa. Seperti dilansir Associated Press, penayangan video tersebut digelar pada sebuah konferensi di San Fransisco, Amerika Serikat, Kamis (17/12) waktu setempat.

Para ilmuwan ini berharap, seluruh gambar, data, dan contoh yang diperoleh selama misi akan menjelaskan proses pembentukan kerak bumi yang baru. Penelitian juga dapat membantu menjelaskan bagaimana beberapa makhluk laut bertahan hidup dan berkembang dalam lingkungan yang ekstrim. Yang tak kalah penting adalah terungkap data di saat sebuah lempeng tektonik bumi saling bertabrakan.

Letusan gunung berapi bawah laut ini menciptakan pemandangan spektakuler. Gelembung lava berwarna merah membara terlihat melesat keluar dari gunung berapi, sekaligus melepaskan kepulan asap sejenis belerang. Peristiwanya hanya sesaat, karena lava tadi langsung membeku saat menyentuh dinginnya suhu air laut di kedalaman itu. Di saat yang sama, lengan robot langsung mengambil sampel lava untuk diteliti lebih akurat.

Seorang ahli geologi dari NOAA bernama Bob Embley menyatakan tekanan dari kedalaman air terabaikan karena ledakan gunung berapi. “Kami dapat mengarahkan posisi robot bawa laut hanya sekitar 30 sentimeter dari titik letusan,” ujar Bob Embley, seorang ahli geologi dari NOAA.

Hubert Staudigel, volcanologis di Scripps Institution of Oceanography di San Diego mengatakan, sebenarnya letusan gunung berapi dalam laut pernah terekam sebelumnya. Namun penemuan kali ini justru menambah peluang baru untuk pengembangan penelitian.(EPN)